Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

3D logo testing

the 3 logos on the bottom are using a 911 porscha font. i experimented with this font because it looks sleek and futuristic. the 2 logos with the ellipse seemed more visually appealing and creates a self identity for the product.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Prototyping Phase

The image above is exhibiting the sketch prototype and the final prototype. The following pictures are showing preparation for priming and painting. The visor concept was chosen because it provides the most visual experience without and distracting features that are on a pair of glasses. It ultimately extends your field of vision, reducing head movement needed to keep track of the 3D film.

New video: 3D camcorder

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Initial Concept Sketches

These sketches depict variations of design concepts. The top image is showing variation in clipping lens to current glasses frames and how it would sit on the consumer. The bottom image concentrates on form and functionality, providing material proposals and clip-on solutions.